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Dexion COVID-19 Update

Dexion practices a culture where safety is highly valued, and health and wellbeing are the highest priority. We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of workers and visitors and for that reason have adopted new controls to manage the recent outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the community.

Dexion is committed to eliminating risk within the workplace, thus ensuring business continuity.

Dexion is now adhering to the following controls:

  • Temperature Screening & Other Controls
    • All workers and visitors to offices are required to use hand sanitizer and have their temperature measured on entry. A temperature of over 37.3°C indicates the possibility of an illness and entry will be denied entry into the office.
    • In addition to the temperature measurement on entry, all workers are required to record their temperature an additional 2 times per day (3 total).
    • Visitor attendance into the office and project sites will be discouraged during this time and other methods of communication arranged where possible.
  • Social Distancing
    • Workers that can work from a home office are encouraged to
    • Workers are encouraged to use call and video conferencing rather than face to face meetings.
    • Workers are to maintain at least 1.5 metre distance between themselves and other people.
    • Workers are to stay home (or work from a home office) if they are feeling unwell and go home if they start feeling unwell while at work.
  • Hygiene
    • All workers are encouraged to do regular hand washing for at least 30 seconds with soap and water and use the hand sanitizer which is placed around the workplace.
    • Workstations are to be cleaned daily
    • When coughing or sneezing, to use a tissue to cover their nose and mouth and immediately dispose of tissue in the bin. After coughing, sneezing or blowing nose, to wash or sanitize their hands.

Services in Australia and Malaysia are continuing as business as usual, including sales, design, engineering and project management.

Due to the nationwide movement control order in Malaysia, our Malaysian manufacturing plant is temporarily shutdown from the 18th March until the 14th April 2020. We expect this impact to be very minimal for our customers.

Please know that we are vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation and we will continue to provide updates accordingly.

Our goal is to minimise disruptions to the business and strive to meet project deadlines as promised to you, while keeping our workers safe.

Should you have any concerns, please reach out to your Dexion representative or contact us on 1800 000 050. If you are having trouble getting through send us an email at

Stay healthy and look after each other. Together we will get through this.

The Dexion Team

Innovative solutions that cover a wide variety of industries
